
2024 Cyber Threat Landscape Report Infographic

Date published:

June 10, 2024

VikingCloud Team


The 2024 Cyber Threat Landscape Report: Cyber Risks, Opportunities, & Resilience highlights how unprepared organizations are for modern cyber risks, the challenges cyberteams face today, and the steps they can take to fight back.

The infographic below depicts the findings of the VikingCloud proprietary research – gathered from a survey of nearly 170 cybersecurity professionals in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland.

Read the full report here The 2024 Cyber Threat Landscape Report: Cyber Risks, Opportunities, & Resilience or for more information about this topic, read our blog 68% of Cyber Teams Can't Achieve 4-Day Cyber Incident Disclosures.


The 2024 Cyber Threat Landscape Report: Cyber Risks, Opportunities, & Resilience highlights how unprepared organizations are for modern cyber risks, the challenges cyberteams face today, and the steps they can take to fight back.

The infographic below depicts the findings of the VikingCloud proprietary research – gathered from a survey of nearly 170 cybersecurity professionals in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland.

Read the full report here The 2024 Cyber Threat Landscape Report: Cyber Risks, Opportunities, & Resilience or for more information about this topic, read our blog 68% of Cyber Teams Can't Achieve 4-Day Cyber Incident Disclosures.

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Andrea Sugden
Chief Sales and Customer Relationship Officer

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