TechRadar: Why there’s no one-size-fits all solution to security maturity
Date published:
Oct 31, 2023

October 31, 2023
The TechRadar article by VikingCloud Chief Product Officer, Kevin Pierce, discusses the need for a targeted and company-size-specific cybersecurity plan to maintain effectiveness in an increasingly hostile online environment.
Pierce discusses how an organization’s security maturity – or its security position relative to its risk environment and tolerances – is related to how efficiently it implements security controls, reporting, and processes. He highlights the 5 levels of Security Maturity and introduces security frameworks that organizations of all sizes can use to create a “security-first culture” and reduce their cyber risk.
The VikingCloud CPO also includes recommendations on how to find the right security and compliance partner to design, implement, and monitor a best-practice solution.
Pierce concludes: “It is impossible to ignore the global increase in security threats. Today, it is not a matter of if an organization will be attacked but when and how often. Combined with increasingly complex compliance mandates, organizations of all sizes should prioritize assessing, and raising, their level of security maturity – before it’s too late.”
For more on security maturity and designing an organization-specific cybersecurity plan, read the fullarticle at